Day 240

1 Samuel 3:

Within this chapter we find the classic illustration of learning to hear the Lord’s voice.  We have Samuel, a young boy, who is being called by God but in his innocence and ignorance, fails to recognise who is calling.  He asks Eli for assistance and even the ageing priest (who should know better) does not realise it is the voice of God.  Samuel eventually makes connection with the Lord and an amazing relationship follows.  This chapter should inspire us to always be listening for the voice of the Lord and always to be ready to respond. We are living in days where the Lord speaks all the time!

 Luke 2:

So much happens within this chapter that you could focus on a single thought and remain their all day.  We find Jesus being born…a miracle and amazement all of its own.  Angels visit the shepherds, and the first nativity scene, in its rustic conditions, was formed.  this is followed by the traditional presentation of Christ at the temple but even here, where tradition reigned supreme, the Lord has waiting two ageing individuals who both bring words of comfort, challenge and celebration.  We are given the scant details of Jesus’ childhood and the scene is prepared for the drama that is about to unfold.

Isaiah 49:

When the Messiah comes, He will bring like to the gentiles and hope to the whole world! He will outline the ‘acceptible time’ of the Lord and call his people to account.  The world may despise and reject Him and yet He will face their shame and their refusal because He so desires the ones who will say yes to His call.  The Lord will remember His people (you and I) like a woman remembers her nursing child.  Isaiah makes all these promises on behalf of the Lord before the captivity of Israel demonstrating the love, commitment and determination of god to bring His people through to a better future under Messiah!

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