Day 361

1 Chronicles 21:

As David sat on his throne whilst his armies were away fighting he wanted to find out the number of troops he had and the total size of his nation.  This sounds like a reasonable request of a leader except for one important reality – the Lord had promised that the Children of Abraham would be as numerous as the sand of the seashore.  It was actually a sin to rely on the strength that could be counted of men and horses…the people of God were meant to put their trust in the Lord and in Him alone!  Joab knew that this was the wrong thing to do but his counsel was ignored.  Judgement followed and David falls on the mercy of the Lord.  The judgement of God stops at the threshing floor of Ornan and this site becomes the location of the future temple.  Judgement begins and ends with the Lord and we must never forget or ignore His commands.

Hebrews 11:

Hebrews 11 is the best known chapter in the Bible on the subject of faith.  It encapsulates the major aspects of the topic by introducing us to the reality that all who have gone before us have had to operate in it.  Faith is the substance (reality, realisation) of things for which we hope.  That is why Hope is so important.  Faith becomes the ‘linch-pin’ in all matters concerning the Lord.  As it says in verse 6 ‘without faith, it is impossible to please God!’  As you enjoy your reading today, recall all of the heroes of faith who have gone before us.  Now it is our turn.  They are watching us!  Time for us to walk in faith!

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