Day 176

Deuteronomy 23:

Being a member of the Congregation of the Lord was a great privilege and was not bestowed on simply anyone.  In fact, certain people were excluded for one, three or even up to ten generations.  The ‘People of God’ were elect and precious, they were not average or ‘normal’ they belonged to the Lord and were is particular and peculiar treasure.  This is why the campsite of the people of God was to be a place of cleanness and mercy.  Moses’ words ring in the ears of the people and they cherish one another more and delight to serve such unique and passionate Lord.  The challenge for us is to realise that our entry into the presence of the Lord is a privilege and the fact that we do not have to stand on ceremony is a bonus.  We have become His people who did not deserve it, were not born into it and could never have purchased the opportunity.  Cherish your relationship with Him and His people today

1 Corinthians 16:

As Paul concludes his first letter to the Corinthians he brings a challenge about generosity.  He calls the church to set aside an offering each week and to bless those who are ministering to them (Timothy).  But they are to offer more than just financial support; the needs and challenges that Timothy faced were to be born by the people as well.  Paul finishes with a list of personal greetings and challenges and I always find it helpful to imagine that my name was added to this list.  Which of these challenges would Paul lay at your feet today?

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