Day 224

Judges 12:

Jephthah is faced with an internal conflict between the tribes which had been loyal and fought with him against the Amonites and the people of Ephraim who had not responded.  Civil war is always the most soul destroying of conflicts because it pitches brother against brother and neighbour against neighbour.  In this conflict there comes a moment where the Ephraimites were on the run and trying to escape, but the Gileadites pinned down those who were fleeing so that everyone had to cross a certain river.  At this crossing the Gileadites forced those fleeing to say the word ‘Shibboleth’ but because the Ephraimites had a different accent they were immediately identifiable as the enemy.  42,000 of the were killed, a truly terrible conflict.  It is a drastic and memorable illustration that you cannot hide what is really going on, on the inside.

Psalm 136:

This Psalm is a song with a recurring refrain which rings out after every phrase of praise is offered.  It was probably sung as a responsive psalm with a chief singer (or choir) singing the main line followed by the people responding with “For His mercy endures forever”. The reasons for praise go from the attributes of the Heavenly King to His actions of victory and deliverance for His people.  They praise His beauty and wonder and celebrate the blessings of relationship with Him.  It is the type of song that each person could could recall the first line from the goodness God has displayed personally to them and the rest of us could offer the response.  This shows us that there is great blessing in ‘letting out’ the praises that are within.

Isaiah 33:

We start this chapter with a prayer of those who are in deep distress.  It is good to remember that the Lord is always available to hear our cries and to know our needs even before we bring them to Him.  But His people are required to know His will, know His way and keep His statutes.  They will not escape if they fail to submit their will to His.  The impending judgement can be avoided if the people will repent and turn from their wicked ways…a great and wonderful inheritance awaits them when they do.  The Lord is always generous in His offering of encouragement to His people…great things await those who serve the Lord and honour his commands.

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